Friday, October 12, 2012

BUSY Month... Lots to UPDATE!!!

Hey Everyone, This has been one Heck of a month.... I had some personal stuff come up  and that is working itself out a bit, But I also have been real busy doing stuff. yea STUFF!!! I am currently rearranging my house to accommodate a dedicated workspace for myself to actually do work in with no moving about and having things moved on me. While that is going on Im still doing the off commission or so finishing up some painting things for the Local club and doing my personal projects. More on that later though.
One of the things that is taking a bit of time is actually Very good!! Im back in touch with my Old Modeling pals The Terran Guard. We were the Mods and Admins of a LONG abandoned Forum Called 40Kterra. While its always nice to link up with old buddies, we are actually looking to possibly get a Hobby forum started up again and show off some projects. The terran Guard had some real talent as far as modelers and collectors as well as some great painters. I hope this actually gets back into the swing and we make it a go as I would not only love to see my buddies doing stuff again BUT would like the input and push from pale to get my stuff together. We shall see though. But we can Hope huh?? lol

NOW lets talk about what I have been up to. First off was the promise of bases. I have 2 sets complete, the PP Lava/Icewater and the PP trenchboards. While I set them up for casting I pulled out my Silicone for making molds and discovered that it was "not ideal" to say the least....

As you can see the "liquid" is no longer liquid and has gelled.... I allowed it to Freeze and did not take care of it properly (I left it in my storage for winter!!) and I lost about $300 in Silicone. DAMN..... Well a Quick call to John Greer and more was on the way with a special note to me saying NOT to freeze it, and the shelf life is only good for 60 days..... I aint even Mad.... Had it coming. LMAO!! gotta love a company with a sense of humor.
Anyway Here is the update on how things are going for the other bases:
Lava style: PP complete WH sculpts started
Trenchboard style: PP complete WH sculpts started
Cracking mud/parched earth style: ordered sculpting medium to begin. awaiting delivery
Puddle/hazard puddles style: Sculpts started on Both sets
Cobblestone style: groundwork laid out and sculpts to begin Likely with the Parched earth.

Well as I touched on earlier casting was delayed. I currently have the 2 sets mounted up for pour and will pour very soon. I need about 3-5 hours to tend to the casting as Im using vacuum and pressure to make the molds and must keep them pressurized for the entire time the molds cure. So Im just waiting on time, as my silicone shipment arrived a few days ago. Molds of the bases as well as a personal project or two of mine are the first things to be cast up and more pics when I got something to report. Here is a couple of snap shots of the bases and some of the MKI molds:

I have been also pretty busy with terrain project or two with the Local Club. Im currently revamping some of the City terrain they have to make it more playable and nicer, and built a bridge set for the Rivers another member built last year. Im kinda happy with it as its bases off of Civil war Earthworks and can be used for several different games from fantasy to even futuristic on an ag world... Heres some pics:

I have not worked on the WW2 terrain yet as I am still in development with those... Sorry guys!!

Also last time I mentioned Busts. Well I'll give a sneak peek at whats going on here. I Bought a "Totally NOT Commissar Gaunt" bust on Ebay and when it arrived I was Less than happy. The resin was Rubbish and I actually was a little POed about it so I contacted the seller, who ACTUALLY was the sculptor. He was Very Helpful and sympathetic to my situation.... And I commissioned another bust by him. He IS very talented but Casting is NOT his strong suit as we both agreed..... Here is what I was supposed to get:

And HERE is what I actually got.....
SO what we have here is a LOW QUALITY Polyester resin cast of a model that SHOULD have been cast with rigid casting urethane. Not really a big deal I guess but its not the right type of tool for the job. Matt was a sport about it though and I am in the process now of filling and preparing the original cast I have for a mold to make a true Urethane cast from so I can paint it up. I have my work cut out for me....

As you can see I have drilled a hole for a dowel to be placed into the parts so I have a handle for working. You ALSO notice HUGE GAPING air holes and miscast parts.... I like to call this the Finecast effect.... LOL. I will place the dowels in the holes and give it a fine spray of Grey Primer to help me see the spots that need work as the translucent resin is hard to determine detail. Anyway... I have a lot of work and have only started o it So stay tuned and we will make headway on it soon. Oh did I mention another Bust commission???
SHHH dont tell nobody... this ones a one off and something special....The original is mine!!!  :) If anyone is interested in contacting the Artist Let me know. Hes a great guy from the UK and TRULY an artist..... Just leave the casting to me though....LMAO!!

Well thats about a wrap up of the Happenings of the past few weeks, Im putting up alot of ebay auctions and such but I wont bore you with those right now. If your wanting to check some out hit me up on Ebay (my Ebay) and take a look around. I'll have alot of Warmachine and 40K up over the next few weeks....

Till then, Keep your thoughts Pure and Serve the Emperor Well.......

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