Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Stripping Revisited

Some of you might remember my article on Stripping And I mentioned Stripping liquids I use Simple Green and Acetone. Well there is another product I failed to mention Castrol Super Clean.

I have tried this before and was like "meh...." as it didn't really work very well.
Well I recently was talking with a friend and come to find out I was using it wrong. I got some tips from my buddy (who swears by it) and I stripped my Dark Hunters marines using the tips I got from him.... and we now swear by it too.... Its actually VERY GOOD!!! But Why?? HOW do I use It??? Well here is all you need to know about Super Clean as a stripper!!!

First things first Where do you get it??
I got mine from a local Auto supply, but you should be able to find it at any auto supply like Advanced or Pep boys, or even Walmart. Your looking for the Jug like I have above NOT the spray. It should be between $6-10, I paid $10 but my friend Lyn Stahl has it in TX for about $6.....Remember Jug NOT spray

What does it do?
Well it removed paint from Plastic metal and resin. I have noticed that simple green works good on plastic but sometimes doesnt do resin. Also SG will eat impurities in metal where this will not. Also if left long enough it will also break the bond of superglue because its a chemical process that we will get into soon.

How do I use it???
Well follow the basics in my stripping tut. As for the Liquid Use 50/50 Super Clean concentrate and regular tap water. Diluting it in water is actually necessary to be more effective though.  This has something to do with the hydroxide ions being dissolved and such but Chemistry class was so long ago. Anyway Ensure there is enough liquid to cover your models and I was using a 2.5 gallon bucket from Home Depot VS a 5 gallon. I was unaware of the ingredients and I did not use gloves for the first strip, as I rarely wear gloves when stripping with SG.... BAD IDEA!! You can see how I have stripped all the oils out of my left hand and have a Dry skin issue. It went away after 2-3 days and hand lotion.

The reason it dries out your hands is it contains Sodium Hydroxide and uses it as a degreaser so... ALWAYS WEAR GLOVES!!! Also good ventilation is always good. Its also safe to pour down the drain if you want as its not toxic.

Now How does this work exactly???
Whats going on is really a chemical reaction with the Hydroxide ions and the paint. I like to think of it as like soda. the more I agitate it the more bubbles release and such SO if I reuse the solution over and over eventually it will go flat. Adding more Solution brings back the soak to optimum levels again, but I have been using the solution till its "flat" then starting new. If you choose to reuse it and  just add more dont dilute it as the water from the first mix and the "used" cleaner is basically water too so just add more concentrate to your mix.It comes down to availability of the ions in the solution to bind with the paint, which is going to be a function of the paint you're stripping, the solvent content, and the water content, assuming it works the way I think it does.The trick is also to remove excess paint as you can, allowing new paint to be exposed to the solvent. It is  recommended to take a soft toothbrush to the models 30 to 60 minutes after they hit the dip, and then again another 30 to 60 minutes later. I dont always do this as I dont like to brush them but once but if you want the best strip you can. I just let them soak for a bit and then scrub them down. If its not clean I toss it back in and get it later. But Im lazy. Its ALSO good to point out that Chemical reactions are picky and lazy, and not smart. As you strip paint from the model, the large chunks of paint are often left in the solution. The solvent doesn't care if the paint is on the model or not so it's going to react no matter what. A large amount of your solvent is being used up in unnecessarily dissolving this paint that has sloughed off in the soak. Another reason it is recommended to take a brush to the model within the first hour or two a few times, removing those large amount of paint that are loose enough for you to remove, but otherwise will waste a bunch of your solvent's stripping power. Remember the soda.... this is like shaking your bottle before you pour it in a glass.

And from a Forensic Chemist This is whats going on....
SuperClean contains EDTA.  EDTA is an agent that will help with water hardness and acrylic paint is water soluble. The hardness is caused by for example calcium and magnesium ions (the cause of scale on kettles and in bathrooms, etc) and EDTA is a chelating agent - basically mopping up these ions, softening the water and therefore helping the solubility of the acrylic paint and making the sodium hydroxide in solution more effective. Sodium metasilicate also decreases water hardness. The Poly(oxy blah blah) is a surfactant - it lowers the tension between two liquids and you'll see various surfactants in every detergent known to man - basically helping break down the barrier between two liquids. When that barrier is lowered it aids in cleaning.

Well thats a mouthful but in Monkey terms its making it good. It works and thats what matters. Really. So my assessment?? Its what Im going to use to strip paint off plastics from now on. Its amazing how well it works and I am planning on getting rid of all my simple green and replacing it with super clean.
Well thats it for the Stripper Revisit so till next time Serve the Emperor well!!!


Dark Hunters Army: update and Project log


OK well first off Its the Day after the Storm, As some of you know Im on the East coast (Washington DC area) and we are dealing with Hurricane Sandy. Last night was the landfall and downgrade to Tropical Storm but We are all OK here and I personally had no flooding nor damage as far as I can tell. Here are some pics from a buddy and coworker of Mine Pete Giove-FourWinds who lives about a mile from me and is a professional part time Photographer. The link contains his portfolio which also contains Galleries that contain nudity. BE WARNED if you are sensitive.

Again we are fine and alls Well....

NOW on to the MEAT!!! Dark Hunter Marines!!!
I have finished stripping the Marines and have been busy repairing some of them I broke and those who are not what I want. I have not been to storage for more bitz but Im able to get most of what Im wanting, and will build more when I go to storage for the proper bitz. There is about 100 power armored marines, 30 Termies, 10 assault marines, 25 Bikes and 6 speeders. I have not started with the rhinos yet, but Im going to put up to 6 rhinos in the army. Here is some pics:

Today these will get placed on Painting sticks (toothpicks in the feet)  and HOPEFULLY basecoated/primered. I am using American Accents Midnight Blue as my base color/primer.

Its currently 40 degrees F and Rain so we will see about priming today. I might do it in the foyer to avoid the rain but its still cold... And once its primed I will start painting with the Airbrush and I cant do that outside without freezing, so Im needing a indoor spray booth. I'll look into that but it might just be a table by a window and a fan blowing out....LOL

As far as Pads Im getting some masters made from a buddy Ben AKA Fleafa and will cast them myself for this project. Im planning on putting the chapter badge on BOTH shoulders with a white shield for the chapter icon and colored shields on the other shoulder for squad markings. Also I plan to do the rims maybe a different color on the squad pads... foe easy ident on the table. Im not sure yet. Now I have YET to pay Ben for them so.... They will be later......

AS for Bases Im going to use Dragonforge "Parched Earth" Set in a Blue-Grey ash waste theme to tie in to the blues of the Armor but be much lighter in color. Maybe paint in the sand brown like the pics but give a blue glaze when done to shade and tie in....Anyway Here are the bases:

This should be about all I got going on for the Marines. If you got any questions or comments Feel free to hit me up!!

Until next time Serve the Emperor well!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

More on Munkeys NEW marines

OK well I have been talking with some friends and such and I found some pads I liked.....

.....Warning From here on out Fluff bunnies might get upset.....

I found these:

I was super happy and I thought they would fit my Dark Hunters marines well.... See??

Adds a little more texture and still have the "double headed axe" look!! WIN!!! Except I forgot to realize I did not read completely the Badab War books from Forge World.....

Well DAMN!! The Executioners stole my Iconography!!! The Bastards!!! So I looked more into the Executioners and found not only did I like their Icon but the also had a blue color scheme before Forge World changed my FLUFF!!! (this is another rant altogether though!!)
NOW this Kinda fits my Objective of working more with the airbrush as I can do the camo with an Airbrush, but I however do not like it. Really I dont like it. And I have seen Executioners before but have never seen Dark Hunters So what Im going to do is a little bit of Heresy. Im going to use the icons as Dark hunter Icons and paint them as Dark hunters. I will however look to the fluff in the FW books from the Executioners to pattern my vehicles and squad markings some. 

I also have found a VERY cool blog that did some very nice Executioners called Fourth Company Librarium and He (I think its a He!! pretty sure) and He used some Chapter house Doors for his Rhinos and did some pretty good ideas for markings.....

Im thinking I will Like this "new" direction and then I will have a good playable army and work on my airbrush tech for painting minis. I picked up some Tamiya acrylics and Airbrush hose for my new airbrushes (im going from an Iwata to Badgers I got on Ebay). Im going with Tamiya Flat blue with field blue and medium blue to act as my highlight and shade.
SO thats a little update and I hope no one is too mad im using some "liberty" with my icons....;)

So till next time Serve the Emperor well!!

OH!! PS I saw this on Darogs Company blog and thought we would like to get some of this....;)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Munkeys New marine army

OK Well some of you know Im making and working on a couple of armies. I have my beloved Red Scorpions That are ALL FORGEWORLD MK4 armors that I'm building up as well as painting and rebasing my Catachans. The Red Scorpions are of course going to take some time as Im wanting to paint them well and make them look good as its $40 for 5 marines.... So I want my moneys worth and will take some time to do. As for the Catachans Im doing swamp base themes for the entire force of about 400 models. Im using the Secret Weapon Blasted Wetland bases so Im using water effects and taking some time to do. NOW BOTH of these armies are playable showcase armies (not only a TT standard but a little better) and I also am wanting to paint more models with my Airbrush so I dont want to mess them up. Ok well here is a recap of the Red Scorpions and Catachans. and why its going to take a while...

Red Scorpions:
Im doing the Angstrom Incident Camo Scheme and using Dragon Forge Designs "Urban Rubble" bases.

Im using the Forge World MK4 armors and will be painted to a pretty good standard. I would say its what I would paint as a company Champion level, Not a centerpiece but better than a high tabletop. This is an Infantry heavy army with very few vehicles.

The Catachans are all on Wetland bases from Secret Weapon and are painted in the Standard "GW" Green with Red bandanas.

Im using Standard GW Catachan IG plastics I put together and Sprayed them OD camo Green. These will be primarily painted with an airbrush and detailed with a brush. they will receive an "oil color wash" for their main shading and to add a :grimy" and "dirty" vibe. The big deal with them is the sheer number and the Water bases.

Now this brings me to where I am using Airbrushes for my minis.... How am I going to get practice and not mess up  my good minis?? How do I solve this dilemma??? I paint the Space marine army I have in my closet!!! LMAO!! Yep I have an Old "Garbage Army" of marines that are just a collection of several different colors and builds that I have picked up on Ebay and such from time to time. there are "White Scars" painted like Garbage, "Black Templars" that have been painted pretty craptastic, a smattering of test colors and a handful of Just plain plastic.. These will get a dark blue spraypaint job and will be done mostly with an airbrush. Im choosing the "Dark Hunters" Chapter as the scheme because its Easy to paint, and its Dark and will easily cover any colors not removed in the Stripping. I am looking to a buddy to do some custom Shoulderpads for me and I will cast them up to make the paint go faster (its raised details and will not be freehand!!) Here is what they will look like:
Im thinking I will use Either the "Desecrated Lands" range from Dragonforge that are sculpted by the talented Mathieu Fontaine OR the "Lost Empires" range also from Dragonforge. Im leaning toward the "Desecrated Lands" though....;) Im using the following List of Models to make an actual list.

6 Speeders
20 Bikes
4 attack bikes
1 Chaplain on bike
10 assault marines
20 terminators
95 power armored marines
6 rhino
Again they need some stripping and such that I will start on tomm but tis is what Im going to be working on so I can play some games this edition....LOL

And as for my projects I have been working on I have been doing some progress. Im working on the bases that I have been doing and making more masters also. I hope to get another bottle of Silicone sometime soon so I can make more molds for bases and hope to have these as a viable product sometime soon. I also got my Truescale Terminator models from Three Stage Studios. It took some time to get but Talking with the guy I think him and I can possibly come together in the future and make some magic. He seems to be a pretty good guy all in all. Also on the Commissar bust..... UGH.....I almost dont wanna talk about it so I will just do a photo dump and ask for your prayers..... LMAO!!

OH yea... I almost forgot!! I also found some Tau in my Storage.... Maybe these will get some paint sometime or maybe they will hit Ebay... Dunno yet.

Well that about wraps up this weeks projects and fun SO till next time Serve the Emperor Well!!!